People Over Process

Susan Eldridge
3 min readOct 8, 2020


Tangled is one of my favourite movies. There’s a terrific scene where Rapunzel appeals to a bar full of thugs “Find your humanity!”

I’m feeling Rapunzel’s frustration.

I was working with a client this week (a venue) that has a professional development program, and who wanted to reconnect with their artists. Understandably, the venue has been in crisis mode and their energies have been turned inward over the past few months.

Now seeking to reestablish the relationship with their presenting artists, and to have conversations beyond the ‘I’m so sorry we’ve had to cancel your gig’ their initial plan was to email a questionnaire.

Where’s the humanity?


The VENUE are asking for something THEY need as the first point of contact after a break in communication.

Through a group email.


It’s just not putting people first. So I suggested a 4 step sequenced approach that puts the human experience first AND will get the feedback they need from their artists:

  1. Phone the artists and ask how they are getting on, what they need and have a list of resources available to tailor and share with them as a follow up email
  2. Share with the artists that the venue are hosting a Town Hall meeting to bring the community together, where the artists will have a chance to be heard, be inspired by some relevant presentations and hear some music played live just for them. Ask the artists to nominate which evening of the week suits them best for this 90 minute get together
  3. THEN email all the artists with a ‘We’re hosting a Town Hall on this night, because we asked and it was the best night for everyone. Come and join us.”
  4. At the Town Hall we can listen and share, then split into small groups using Breakout Rooms for the artists to work collaboratively on a shared Google Doc which lists what they need and when they need it


There’s the professional development program almost entirely planned BY the artists, FOR the artists, hatched in a shared and safe space that placed their experience at the centre of the design.

Not by an email questionnaire.

It’s then just a straightforward task of assessing the data and scheduling the most requested content across the next 15 months.

Want More?

Can I help you redesign your process to put people first? Let’s talk about your needs in a free call. I would love to listen, and to help you see what I see.

“I had the privilege of talking with Susan about my evolving strategic planning. She was able, in the course of an hour, to shift my thinking on key problematics … particularly helping me to understand challenges as opportunities. Through well-chosen metaphors, she guided me to conceptualise the core of the problem and its resolution. From practical advice on immediate actions, to long-term radical thinking, Susan guided my strategic thought process across a range of ideas with a light, sure, warm, and encouraging hand, all the while giving generously of her deep professional expertise.”

— Dr Heather Gaunt, Curator, Grainger Museum

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